Opti-Grip Dry Adhesive for Cove Base

Posted by Sean McDermott on Jun 13, 2016 8:00:00 AM

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You have two options when installing cove base - a wet adhesive system, or a dry adhesive system. Our 30+ years of experience has shown us that a dry cove base adhesive is typically the best option, though it is not for everyone.

There are benefits to each type of installation, but we recommend a dry adhesive, like Opti-Grip, because it doesn't require curing time and will allow you to complete the project more quickly.

Opti-Grip is a double-sided contact adhesive that will allow you to install cove base for immediate use. It's an acrylic tape with a fiberglass scrim reinforcement that creates a durable, long-lasting bond for your cove base installation.


Topics: Cove Base, Opti-Grip, Video

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