Live Better with Optimum Technologies’ Unique Home and Office Products

Little annoyances like bunched rugs and mats, sliding mattresses, and blouse gaps add up. Consumers want simple solutions that work. Optimum Technologies specializes in offering retailers great products for the home and office that consumers love.

slip Resistant Products 

Smooth Living With Slip Resistant Products

Customers love our slip resistant products because they make life around the home, office, and car easier and safer. Retailers love these products too, because we offer packaging sized for varied shelf displays. 


Home Storage & Convenience

Everyday Solutions to Everyday Problems

Our home storage & convenience products provide quick fixes for everyday problems and solutions for do-it-yourself renovations. They are easy to use and help restore order to your home. These products are also a big hit with retailers due to its attractive packaging and minimal use of shelf space.

Optimum's Home Storage & Convenience product line includes:

Join Retailers & Distributors Around the World

world icon
You’ll find our products on the shelves of almost all of the biggest retailers in the United States and in retail locations around the world. We also work with regional and small retailers and offer private label packaging.
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Award-Winning Packaging

The American Hardware Manufacturers Association presented Optimum an award in its competition for the Development of Superior Packaging of Hardlines Products for Sale at the Consumer Level.

How Can We Help You?

For more information, to discuss your unique need with a product specialist, or to request an estimate, connect with us.

Retailers & Distributors, Let's Talk